BEVI knowledge bank

BEVI's knowledge bank collects information about our areas of expertise, electric drive systems and power generation.

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Electric motor knowledge

Gruppbild på elmotorer

General technical information on electric motors

Many factors that influence the selection of an electric motor and its options for different applications. Here you can learn more about, for example, voltages, balancing, motor protection, thermal contacts, thermistors, cooling, standby heaters, insulation class, different types of operation, protection class and norms.

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Enclosure/IP protection

The right enclosure class is a prerequisite for an electric motor to work safely for a long period of time in tough loads and harsh environments.

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Maintenance of electric motors

In normal operating environments, maintenance of electric motors is limited to lubrication of the bearings. In abnormal environments, such as high ambient temperature, all bearings should be checked and lubricated regularly.

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Motor mounting positions

Our electric motors can be ordered according to several different mounting methods, depending on the design and frame size. See examples of the most common mounting positions.

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Recycling of electric motors

Most often, it is an advantage to renovate large electric motors. Otherwise, the material in motors can be recycled to a very high extent. Material recycling saves both natural resources and energy and is more environmentally friendly.

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Transmission knowledge

Samlingsbild på transmissioner - BEVI

Advice on choice of worm gear

Factors to consider when choosing the right gear for a given application.

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Lubrication and maintenance of a worm gear

Worm gear units normally do not need service or replenishment of oil. If the gearbox is taken out of service for an extended period of time in a humid environment, we advise that it is filled completely with oil.

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Knowledge of coil winding material

Group image of coil winding material - BEVI

Selection of brush holders

A carbon brush holder assembly fulfils a significant function for a complete and satisfactory slip ring system.

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Dimensioning of run and start capacitors

Take a look at some rules of thumb as a guide when dimensioning run and start capacitors.

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Temperature classes for insluation materials

Temperatur classes for insulation materials according to EN 60085.

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BEVI Knowledge bank

BEVI's Knowledge bank collects information about our areas of expertise, electric drive systems and power generation.


BEVI is one of the Nordic region's largest companies in the field of electric drive systems and power generation.

We offer a comprehensive range of electric motors, transmission devices, power electronics, coil winding material, starter equipment and perform services of electrical machines.

BEVI AB (headquarters)


Denmark / Export:

Bevivägen 1, 384 30, Blomstermåla, Sweden

© BEVI AB 2024