Personal data and privacy policies

We value your privacy and have therefore compiled this information on how we collect and use personal information.

Here you can read more about how BEVI uses your personal data. Depending on who you are, we may treat your information a little differently.

Contact information for questions

If you have any questions about our processing of your personal data, please contact our controller of personal data at

Home / About BEVI / Personal data and privacy policies

Customers and potential customers

This policy concerns you who are a contact person of a customer company or potential customer company of BEVI:

Privacy policy for customers 

Job applicants

When you apply for employment with BEVI, we collect certain personal information about you. This privacy policy aims to give you as a job applicant information about how we handle your personal information:

Privacy policy for job applicants 

Website and cookies

In this privacy policy we explain what cookies we use, what they are used for and what choices you can make regarding information collected through our cookies:

Policy for the website and use of cookies 


This privacy policy provides you, as a contact person at one of our suppliers, with information on how we handle your personal information:

Privacy policy for suppliers 

BEVI Knowledge bank

BEVI's Knowledge bank collects information about our areas of expertise, electric drive systems and power generation.


BEVI is one of the Nordic region's largest companies in the field of electric drive systems and power generation.

We offer a comprehensive range of electric motors, transmission devices, power electronics, coil winding material, starter equipment and perform services of electrical machines.

BEVI AB (headquarters)


Denmark / Export:

Bevivägen 1, 384 30, Blomstermåla, Sweden

© BEVI AB 2024