Privacy policy for contact persons at suppliers

Home / About BEVI / Personal data and privacy policies / Privacy policy for suppliers

1. Introduction

BEVI AB (“Company”) has entered into, or intends to enter into, an agreement with the company you represent (“Supplier”). This privacy policy is intended to provide you, as a contact person for the Supplier, with information regarding how the Company handles your personal data and to ensure that you feel secure that the processing takes place in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable personal data legislation. The privacy policy also describes your rights vis-à-vis us and how you can enforce your rights.

2. Who is the controller of personal data?

The Company is the controller of personal data for the processing of personal data collected regarding the contact persons at our suppliers.

Set forth below is the Company’s contact information.

BEVI AB, Registration number: 556195-8314

Head quarters: Bevivägen 1, 384 30 Blomstermåla, Sweden, Tel: +46 499 271 00
Regional office: Kontaktvägen 8, 901 33 Umeå, Sweden, Tel: +46 90 70 44 30

Should you have any questions about the Company’s processing of your personal data, please contact our Controller of personal data at

3. Personal data, purposes, legal grounds and time of storage

Bolaget behandlar följande personuppgifter om dig:

(a) Name
(b) Professional title
(c) Telephone number
(d) Email adress

The processing of this personal data is necessary in order for the Company to be able to perform the agreement which the Company has with the Supplier. If this information is not provided, the agreement with the Supplier cannot be performed. The processing is carried out based upon a weighing of interests as the legal grounds where the Company’s legitimate interest is to be able to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under its agreement with the Supplier. Your name and contact information are saved in our register of contact persons while our contractual relationship with the Supplier is active or if we otherwise require the data for any matter related to our contractual relationship with the Supplier. In the event your employment with the Supplier terminates, or you are otherwise no longer the Supplier’s contact person, we will delete your data from our register of contact persons.

Your data (for example your name) may be found in agreements, correspondence, or other documentation regarding the Company’s relationship with the Supplier which the Company needs to save for commercial, business, or legal reasons. The data is saved based upon a weighing of interests where the Company’s legitimate interest is to save data and documentation which is of commercial, business, or legal significance to the Company’s operations.

The Company may also save your personal data for a longer period of time where necessary in order to fulfill a legal obligation which requires processing according to applicable law or in order for the Company to be able to establish, enforce, or defend against legal claims.

4. Who might we share your data with?

The Company may transfer your personal data to other supplier and partner companies. These recipients are only entitled to process your personal data on behalf of the Company while performing a service for the Company. The Company takes all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures in order to ensure that your data is handled securely and with an adequate level of protection when transferring to, or sharing with, such selected third parties.

The Company may also release your personal data to public authorities where we are obligated to do so by law. In the event all or part of the Company’s operations are sold, the Company may transfer your personal data to a potential purchaser of the business.

5. Where is your personal data processed?

Your personal data will be processed primarily within the EU/EEA, but may be transferred to countries outside of the EU/EEA. The Company has taken appropriate protective measures in order to protect your personal data through the recipient of the personal data having signed an agreement containing certain standard contract clauses which have been approved by the EU Commission. A copy of these standard clauses may be obtained upon request to

6. Your rights

You have certain legal rights which you can enforce against the Company. Set forth below is a summary of these rights. For complete information regarding your rights, please see the General Data Protection Regulation, sections 3–5.

(a) Right to access to/extracts from registers

You are entitled to be informed as to whether the Company is processing personal data about you. If it is, you are entitled to information regarding, among other things, which personal data is being processed, the purposes of the processing, which external recipients have access to your personal data, and how long we save your personal data.

(b) Correction of erroneous data

You have a right to require that the Company correct erroneous or incomplete information about you.

(c) Deletion of certain data

You have a right to require the Company to delete your personal data under certain circumstances, for example where the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which we collected it.

(d) Right to object to the Company’s processing of personal data

You have the right, under certain circumstances, to object to the Company’s processing of your personal data.

(e) Right to restrict the processing of your personal data

You have the right to require the Company to restrict its processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. For example, if you have denied that your personal data is correct, you can request a restriction on the processing during a period of time which allows the Company to verify whether the personal data is correct.

(f) Complaints

If you have any complaints regarding the Company’s processing of your personal data, you are entitled to file such complaints with the Privacy Protection Authority.

If you would like to submit a request for a extract from the register, data portability, correction, deletion, objection or restriction, please contact the Company at

7. Changes in the privacy policy 

The Company reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy. Where such changes are made, notice will be provided on this webpage.

Contact information for questions

For any questsions please contact our controller of personal data at

Policy updates

  • This policy was last updated on July 11, 2019
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BEVI is one of the Nordic region's largest companies in the field of electric drive systems and power generation.

We offer a comprehensive range of electric motors, transmission devices, power electronics, coil winding material, starter equipment and perform services of electrical machines.

BEVI AB (headquarters)


Denmark / Export:

Bevivägen 1, 384 30, Blomstermåla, Sweden

© BEVI AB 2024