The Advantages of Frequency Converters for Water and Wastewater Systems

Frequency converters are a central component and a valuable investment for the water and wastewater (VA) industry. By controlling the speed of electric motors, such as those used in pumps and fans within water and wastewater systems, frequency converters can increase energy efficiency and optimize operations. This leads to improved performance and reduced operating costs in VA systems.

BEVI has extensive experience in delivering drive solutions to the VA sector and related customers within this segment. We have a broad network of customers and partners, including subcontractors, system builders, municipalities, contractors, and other stakeholders.

Home / Areas of use / Water & Wastewater

Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

VA systems often require continuous operation of pumps and fans to regulate the flow of water and wastewater. In a traditional system, these motors often run at a constant speed regardless of the actual demand, resulting in high energy consumption. By using frequency converters, the motor speed can be adjusted to the actual flow requirements. During periods of low demand, such as nighttime or times with less rainfall, pumps can run slower, leading to significant energy savings. This reduces operating costs and contributes to making the VA system more sustainable from both an economic and environmental perspective.

Extended Lifespan and Reduced Maintenance Costs

In VA systems, the constant on-and-off switching of pumps and other motors can lead to high mechanical stress and wear. Frequency converters enable a soft start and stop of motors, reducing the risk of sudden pressure surges and harmful wear in the piping systems. This is especially important in water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants, where overloading or improper operation can lead to costly repairs or downtime. By reducing mechanical stress and ensuring more controlled operation, frequency converters help extend the lifespan of critical components, reducing maintenance needs and increasing system reliability.

Adaptability and Optimized Operation of VA Systems

VA systems face varying flow demands depending on factors such as weather, time of day, and season. With a frequency converter, the flow can be adjusted in real-time to meet these changing needs. During high water consumption periods, such as rainy seasons or large industrial water withdrawals, pump speeds can be increased to handle the larger volumes. At the same time, flow can be reduced during periods of low demand, which not only optimizes energy use but also reduces wear on the system. This flexibility allows VA operators to ensure that the facility is always running in an energy-efficient and resource-efficient manner.

BEVI Knowledge bank

BEVI's Knowledge bank collects information about our areas of expertise, electric drive systems and power generation.


BEVI is one of the Nordic region's largest companies in the field of electric drive systems and power generation.

We offer a comprehensive range of electric motors, transmission devices, power electronics, coil winding material, starter equipment and perform services of electrical machines.

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