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CFP2000 370FP4EA-52S Frekvensomformer

CFP2000 3-fase 400 V IP55
30 kW 60 A med hovedbryter

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Fully enclosed IP55 drive with lockable main switch

The CFP2000 series is an AC motor drives specially designed for HVAC, fans & pumps, and water treatment applications. IP55 enclosure provides effective protection from dust, other particles, and a good level of protection from water.

The CFP2000 is equipped with a built-in EMC filter and a DC choke. Other outstanding features include V/F control, SVC (Sensorless Vector Control) for both IM/PM motors, a real time clock, built-in 10k steps PLC capacity and various optional extension cards.

Built-in functions reduce setup and tuning time in operation and provide higher efficiency. Select the needed application in the parameter group setting and the system setup is ready.

Technical specification
Rated current (A) normal duty 60
Rated current (A) light duty 73
Input voltage (VAC) 380-480
Max input voltage (VAC) 3x340-500
IP class 55
Rated output capacity (kVA) 58
Applicable motor output (kW), normal duty 30
Applicable motor output (kW), light duty 37
Voltage out (V) 3x0-340/500
Frequency range (Hz) 0-599
Manufacturer Delta
Product series CFP2000
Input rating
Operating voltage range 3-fas 323 - 528 VAC
Frequency accuracy (input) 48-63
Input current (A) 73
Output rating
Frequency modulation PWM-modulering, kopplingsfrekvens 1-15 kHz (storleksberoende)
Frequency output accuracy Digital referens: ±0,01 %, Analog referens: ±0,1 %
Overload capacity Normaldrift 120 % av märkström under 1 minut. (Vid tung drift 160 % i 3 sek.)
Acceleration / Deceleration time 0,0~6000 sek. (separat inställbara)
Control method Open loop vektorkontroll (SVC), V/F–kontroll, boostfunktion och eftersläpningskompensering.
Speed control range Vektorkontroll: open loop 1:100
Torque function Moment/ström max. 130/160 %
V/F curve V/F-kontroll med valfri V/Hz-inställning.
Current limit 130/160 % av märkströmmen. Absolutskydd 200/240 %.
Installation Höjd: max. 1000 m ö.h.
Ambient temperature -15°C - +50°C (icke kondenserande)
Storage temperature -25°C - +70°C
Ambient humidity Max. 90 %RH (icke kondenserande)
Vibration 9,80665 m/s² (1G) < 20 Hz, 5,88 m/s² (0,6 G) > 20 Hz
Standard functions
Control signal OP panel Inställning med pilar upp/ned.
Control signal external signal -10~ +10 VDC, 0~ +10 VDC (impedans 20 kΩ), 4-20 mA (impedans 250 Ω), pulståg 100 kHz, JOG, potentiometer -5 kΩ/0,5 W, RS485-seriekommunikation (MODBUS, CANopen), 16 fasta hastigheter, positionering (15-positioner), UPP/NED-kommando, pulståg
Start signal OP panel Sätts med RUN/STOP-knapparna
Start signal external signal FWD/STOP, REV/STOP (RUN/STOP, FWD/REV), 3-ledarstyrning, RS485-seriekommunikation (MODBUS, CANopen)
Multi-function digital input M1-M8 är programmerbara multifunktionskontakter, 16 fasta hastigheter, JOG, öka/minska-kommando, val alternativ accelerations-/retardationstid, timer, PID, klockfunktion, extern
Multi-function digital output Driftsignal, inställd frekvens uppnådd, 0-varvsindikering,
Analog output signal 0-10 VDC. Indikering av referens/utfrekvens/ström/spänning/moment/effekt etc.
Other functions Automatisk spänningsreglering (AVR), PID-kontroll, S-ramp, ställbar överspänningsnivå, DC-bromsning, felhistorik, ställbar kopplingsfrekvens, startfrekvens för DC-bromsning, överström, strömgräns, driften fortsätter vid momentant nätspänningsbortfall, reversering spärrad, ställbar frekvensgräns, kodlås, sleep-funktion, frekvenshopp, timerfunktioner, pulsräknare, energisparfunktion etc.
Protective functions "Safe Torque Off" STO-funktion enligt EN ISO13849-1 Cat 3/PLd, EN61508 SIL2, EN60204-1 Cat 0 och EN62061 SIL CL 2. Kortslutning, jordfel, överspänning (MOV), underspänning, överlast, motorskydd, momentant nätspänningsbortfall, överhettning, momentgräns, externt fel, självtest
Braking chopper Integrerad bromsmodul
DC choke Integrerad DC-drossel
EMC filter Integrated EMC-filter
Cooling Forcerad kylning
Manufacturer Delta
Dimensions and weight
Width × height × depth (mm) 282x630x310
Frame model (size) C-2
Net weight (kg) 26,5

Save time and space with the effective CFP2000 – a fully enclosed frequency inverter

The CFP2000 series is an AC motor drive specially designed for HVAC, fans & pumps, and water treatment applications. It is designed with an IP55 enclosure to provide effective protection from dust and other particles and to offer a good level of protection from water and corrosive environment.

Quick setup and tuning

The frequency inverter includes many outstanding features and built-in functions that reduce setup and tuning time in operation and provide higher efficiency. Various parameter groups are included, which allow you to simply select the needed application in the parameter group setting and the system setup is ready.

Space-saving design

This design replaces the need for an electrical distribution cabinet and saves space for other devices, while providing the benefits of harmonic suppression and better power quality to the system.

Features and variants

The CFP2000 is equipped with a built-in EMC filter and a DC choke. Other outstanding features include support for both IM/PM motors, a real time clock, built-in 10k steps PLC capacity and various optional extension cards.

The CFP2000 series is available as variants with or without a main switch function. The main switch allows users to turn off the power easily during daily maintenance and does not require an additional breaker box. If a higher safety standard is required, choose the variant with the main switch function.

Manufacturer Delta Electronics

Wiring diagram CFP2000 frequency inverter

The wiring diagram will be added within short.

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